A Festival

A Triennale

A Monstrosity

Unhallowed Arts

Unhallowed Arts is a collection of art events—a monstrosity—occurring in Perth, Western Australia throughout September and October 2018. Timed to celebrate the bicentenary of Mary (Godwin) Shelley’s Frankenstein, Unhallowed Arts features exhibitions that explore the book’s influence on contemporary life and culture.

Unhallowed Arts will occur throughout Perth, Western Australia. At The University of Western Australia you can attend Quite Frankly, a conference that examines Frankenstein’s impact on contemporary life, art and biotechnology. Visit the State Library of Western Australia for The Chaos of Creation and the Matters of Life and watch films loosely inspired by the Creature.  Check out the Art Gallery of Western Australia to see Biomess, an exhibition developed by the Tissue Culture & Art Project. You can head to Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts for Hyperprometheus, an exhibition that explores the persona of Prometheus in contemporary life. There’s a lot more, so check out the Events page for details.

Unhallowed Arts